Thursday, April 3, 2008

Work Site and Transition Site News!!!

We have had such a successful year in our worksite/transition site program. The Jeffrey M. Rapport School for Career Development is now the home of the Bronx Transition Center, capably coordinated by Mr. Sam Seifman who joins us from 721x. We also inherited three fantastic classes from our sister organization: the Kingsbridge Armory, the Para Training Site at P010 and Morningside Hospital. Transition Sites offer job training through AHRC. Students at our transition sites must be in their last year at 754.

I have visited many of our community based sites this year and I can report that students are doing very well working with our staff members along with the supervisors at each site. Taking a walk through our worksites is like going to a 754 Family Reunion with many former students now employed at these sites. I went to the VA this summer and spoke with Ray Busgith, a former student who now has many responsibilities at the VA. Fordham University has recently hired its 21st students including Justin and Jorge who were just offered jobs this year. Lincoln Hospital has been extremely successful of late with many students who graduated just one and two years ago now working at the expanding hospital. The other worksites all have their successes as well and that will be reflected in a blog post in the very near future.

I just came from a visit at King's Harbor where Leslie Porter is paid to work with the therapists in OT and PT. Tiffany, a very recent addition to King's Harbor, is doing extremely well as are Robert, Monique, John, Jocelyn, Jonathan and Derrick. Mr. Biggs and Ms. Gilliard are doing a fantastic job with their students.

More in the very near future.

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